Training Programs



In Last two years total 55 nos. of training programmed has been conducted imparting training to more than 1221 engineers/officers out of which more than 15 % are female participant. Some major Training Programmed conducted at RCTRC are:

◉  Training on mix design, procedure and laboratory testing related to FDR for rehabilitation of low volume rural roads.

◉ Training on Road Safety and Introduction of Road Safety parameters during DPR Preparation

◉ Orientation on Basic Engineering & Implementation under Mahatma Gandhi - NREGS

◉ Induction Training for State Quality Monitor

◉ Training on Residential Training on Design of flexible and rigid pavement using axle load survey data including Quality Monitoring of Rural Roads, testing.





Mode of Training

  • Lectures
  • Multimedia Presentations
  • Case Studies
  • Filed & Laboratory Training
  • Group Discussions
  • Software Packages
  • Video Films

Upcoming Training

Training History
